See Twickenham Website Accessibility

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Some general notes on See Twickenham website accessibility. If you are having problems with accessibility then drop us an email and we will do our best to resolve the issue.

  • The forms on the See Twickenham site use javascript to pre-populate themselves. If you have problems using the forms because of this then you will receive alternate instructions when you visit the pages with scripting disabled.

  • If using Firefox then CTRL+ will increase the size of your fonts. In IE7 this zooms the whole page. Resizing on sites works better with Firefox as you do not need to scroll left and right. You can use the font size controls in IE and these should work OK.

  • All functionality of the site should work with scripting disabled, but some of the graphical embellishments may not work.

  • The majority of images are merely graphic or spacers and therefore have null alt tags. All significant content is in text.

  • This is an HTML document so HTML tags have been used correctly. Headings use h1 tags, paragraphs use p tags, etc.

Arts and Humanities:
Twickenham Art Deco Fair
Historic Twickenham:
Ham House
History of Twickenham
Marble Hill House
Strawberry Hill
Museums & Galleries:
Orleans House Gallery
Shopping in Twickenham
Parks & Gardens:
Crane Park Island Nature Reserve
Kew Gardens
Richmond Park